• 長谷川綾最新番号 SFC Dialogue | WEF Head of Sustainable Finance Sees China's Green Bond Issuance Inspirational

  • 发布日期:2024-08-26 23:20    点击次数:182

    長谷川綾最新番号 SFC Dialogue | WEF Head of Sustainable Finance Sees China's Green Bond Issuance Inspirational


    (原标题:SFC Dialogue | WEF Head of Sustainable Finance Sees China's Green Bond Issuance Inspirational)長谷川綾最新番号

    南边财经全媒体记者吴斌 上海报说念

    Green bond usually comes first to mind as one of the most common tools when we talk about sustainable finance. How could we diversify solutions to better address needs from different sectors?長谷川綾最新番号

    Derek Baraldi, Head of Sustainable Finance at the World Economic Forum, had a Dialogue with SFC journalist recently and saw a huge funding gap. “If you look at the full amount of capital required (to meet net zero), the UN Climate Champions have announced that around $125 trillion is going to be required by 2050,” he said. “This is massive amount that we are talking about. ”

    Therefore, multiple sources of capital are going to be required. Baraldi explained, “We talked about corporate capital expenditure and private capital coming from the financing world. But then you have public finance. And that is going to be massive contributors, starting from governments, multilateral development banks, development financing institutions. And lastly, the catalytic capital. ”

    Commenting on China’s efforts長谷川綾最新番号, Baraldi said China is an example in terms of green bond issuance and accounts for about a quarter of the world market share, which is really respectable and inspirational for other economies.